Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tulip Set Lg: $4 Med: $3 Small: $2 ($9 for set)

Posy Flower Set $16.50

Alternate Bird Trio $12

Posy Set painted in color instead of black w/paper $$16.50

Butterfly--can be on alone, or on a stake
Only Butterfly $3
w/stake add $1

Flower Door Hanger $8

Watermelon Slice $6

Welcome Blocks $12 Wood & Vinyl

Bird Trio $12/set

Chick Trio $9/set of 3

Rooster $3.50

Chicken Set $12.50/Set

Lady Bug Trio $9/Set


  1. So Lindsey tell me more about this .Do you have a class and paint them or do you sell them?Every one is so cute,maybe I will want a whole bunch of them. Love Grandma

  2. Put me down for a flower door hanger. Thanks way cute stuff!
